If was pushed into describing my work in a single word I would have to say ‘difference’, and in replay to the inevitable why which would follow I would say (again in a single word) ‘insignificance’. Difference because I want to create a truly original moment, and insignificance because I know the almost impossibility of it. In turn I want to create a truly radical moment because of insignificance. The insignificance that can arise from considering our place in the universe. The insignificance that can arise from the absurdities and contradictions of human experience.
If I was pushed into giving a more detailed paragraph, I would have to say...
I want to create a moment that is in some way different, radical or something else (when it shouldn’t be). A moment that possible can’t be, but screw it anyway. I want to do something that can’t be done, I want to resist the universe, I want to play the fool and create something that is mine and truly its own without previous resemblance.
I guess realistically there are two sides to this, one that takes these ideas on and tries to create a space where it’s possible for things to become something else, and another side to my work that’s more of a reflection on these ideas, feelings. My evolving (incomplete) way of creating this possibility of something else/different arising is with a conceptual space or state of being. A space where contradictions can be broken free from by creating this state that possible removes their powers or transforms them into something new. A conceptual space that both resists and submits because it wants to know what could be and can’t be. A state that has no beginning or end, it exists in a state of constant renewal, of an incompleteness that would cease to be if it was completed, or stop its movements. It tries to remove any relevance to its time of production and moves with time, a kind of anti relevance that stops it becoming of its time or topical.
Art is good for this as it allows you to create the object that contains what you are trying to say but also it creates something in its viewing/encounter with it, which I try to use in my work. Whatever forms the work takes sculpture, video I’m trying to create a moment in these with the added element of someone engaging with them, not just a representation. The objects create the moment not just capture it. Wherever or not I’m successful is not that important (I could be talking a load of rubbish) it’s creating the possibility that’s important. An extreme example of this would be trying to break the laws of physics. Pointless and impossible but defiantly romantic, the meaning changes when taking on nature. A transformative act that takes on insignificance and creates some freedom from habitual thinking and leaves a mark in this world to let it know I’m there. It says as much about human nature as it does about or understanding of the world. A loving two’s up to the universe.